Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's finals week, but I'd rather start a blog.

Hello! Welcome to my blog! I hope that over the next five months this blog can help you see (and experience!) my adventures as I prepare, experience, and adjust to life in Ecuador! Thanks for being a part of this journey! I’m going to miss all my friends, family members, and supportive folk from Manchester University while I’m away, BUT I cannot pass up this opportunity. So thanks for being by my side. Your thoughts, prayers, and love are always much needed and appreciated!

The last few months have gone by so fast. I’ve wrapped up at 260 hours internship with Career and Counseling Services, had an amazing soccer season, learned loads in the realms of Spanish, Religion, and Nonprofit Management, and discovered a bit more about who I am as a person. I’ve gone through a fair amount of bumps along the way, but as the semester comes to a close, I can’t help but be thankful for it all.

Just two months ago, I was submitting my BCA application for Ecuador. Then I began applying for my visa. Now, I’m trying to tie up loose ends so my exit from Manchester and entry into Quito can be smooth sailing. But if you know me, you know I’m a procrastinator. So I’m sure I’ll be busy until the final day J I really have taken care of a majority of the official paperwork. Just yesterday I signed the last documents that are being sent to BCA. I’ve applied for classes, and I’m beginning to organize packing. It’s a slight chore to move out of my dorm, return to Indy (but not to a physical “home”), and pack for Ecuador. But since when did I see a challenge that I didn’t want to take on?

I think that line really summarizes this experience. I’ve never let someone else define my boundaries. More times than most, I don’t even let my past failures define my boundaries.  I’m a pusher (but not like Tina Fey in Mean Girls!). I like to test limits and see where life can take me.  I’ll be the first to say my Spanish is not great, but as my friend Kellie the Nurse keeps telling me, “You’re not going to Ecuador because you know Spanish! You’re going to learn Spanish!” What could be better than to take a jump while I have a great support group to encourage me? There are five wonderful seniors who have answered constant questions about the program and their experiences. There’s Kellie who is living and working in Macas, Ecuador who has calmed my fears countless times and reminded me to look towards God through this entire process. Then I have the entire BCA crew from admission counselors to my program director to several of my classmates (who I cannot wait to meet) that have made it overwhelmingly known that this has been done before and that I will have the time of my life. There are countless other people I can’t even begin to describe their impact but I’ll list a few names like artists do on CD booklets. Hannah S., Ashleigh M., Rusty C., Marcie C., Professor Planer, Professor Yanez, Professor Margolies, Ange H., Thelma R., Megan H., James B.,  Mandy T., Emily W., Courtney Y., Laura S. T., and so many more, thank you a thousand times!

People are literally my passion, and having the support of so many boggles my mind! This adventure would be nothing without the people sending me and without the people who will be taking me under their wings in Ecuador. I can’t wait to be in the country surrounded by a new culture. I’d lie if I said I wasn’t a bit afraid, but I believe some fear is healthy and keeps us aware. Excitement is the dominant emotion. I just want to be there and breathing it all in. I can’t wait to study Spanish with my entire being! I can’t wait to go to BaƱos, the Amazon, and the Galapagos! I wish you could see my grin right now because it is so wide.

As much as I would like to ramble of my many emotions, I need to focus on my time in the States first. I have two more finals and a dorm room to pack before I can dedicate myself to preparing for my departure (January 1st). Thanks for reading! Hopefully I will improve my blog writing skills ;)

With Peace and Love,
Trinity Ann

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe courage is not about the absence of fear but about obedience even when we are afraid. Courage is trusting when we do not know what is next, leaning into the hard and knowing it will be hard but more, God will be near. Maybe bravery is just looking fear in the face and telling it that it does not win because I have known the Lord here. I have known Him in the long, dark night." - Katie Davis, Kisses from Katie
